This is where it all started. Chicago.

In late 2016 Nicole Dessain designed the hr.hackathon event concept for DisruptHR Chicago. It resulted from feedback that the community wanted to have more opportunity to collaborate with peers. Nicole combined this insight with her passion for design thinking. And, voila! The first hr.hackathon event was delivered in Jun 2017 with 50 rock star HR and business leaders. Countless post-it notes, laughter, inspiration, and ten top ideas later a movement was born.

Chicago HR Hackathon Event HOST

HR Events Chicago

Nicole Dessain

Creative superpower: Connecting the Dots

Upcoming HR.Hackathon: Stay tuned!


Thanks for another high energy, relevant and practical session today. The collaborative, design-thinking approach of the hr.hackathon events always prompt creative thinking and useful ideas within a short amount of time.
— Heather Justus, Sr. Manager of Global Learning & Development at Deloitte

Select Chicago hR Event attendee companies